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SingleCellViz is a RShiny app allowing an easy exploration of single cell datasets. It can be called with the function singlecellviz::run_app().


You can install the singlecellviz package via:


Running the app


You can then run the app like so:


By default, the app will be run on a very small subset on pbmc3k.

With your data

If you have your own database of tiledb in the correct format for the app (see Database vignette for more info), you can run the app like so:

singlecellviz::run_app(studies = "path/to/data_summary.txt")

With user authentication

To test the user authentication feature, run the following:

singlecellviz::run_app(authr_file = system.file("extdata", "users.txt",
                                      package = "singlecellviz",
                                      mustWork = TRUE))

You can try with username user1 and password pass1.

See Database vignette to create your own user authentication.